Mad Viking was forged from a tight knit group of friends standing around a bonfire.. We were arguing who could grow the most epic beard. Since we could not solve the drunken debacle right then and there, we convinced each other to meet up 6 months later at a local VFW. In those 6 months, we got so much attention for the competition that the venue had to change and the idea behind the event changed as well. We went from 5-6 guys arguing about who has the best beard into a 150-200 person beard competiton where the proceeds go to a charity. (Children’s Hospital) to be exact, a charity we still support to this day. We named the competition Trucker McNasty's Battle of the Beards”. Which is a DJ name I had from my not so adulting past. The competition was a mild success. We raised $1500 for the Hospital. From the ashes of that first Comp is where Mad Viking was born. All of us as new beardos had zero knowledge of beard comps or beard clubs or even beard products. We started this with a love for getting together with friends and trying to raise money for charity. From this love is where everything else fell into place. Mad Viking was named after my Great Grandfather from a story he told me as a kid. I won’t get into the story now but basically he was called The Angry Swede or the Mad Viking from his earlier 1920’s-30’s baseball days. For some reason the name stuck inside my head and I carried it with me. It’s been a crazy ride. I’ve met thousands of people I call family. The community or what we call the "Horde" is what makes Mad Viking what it is. The logo represents friends, family and community. Also the law of the 9 virtues. I live by this and I’ll die by it. I call it the Axe. Which is where the clubs chant comes from. #LIVEBYTHEAXEDIEBYTHEAXE! Much love and respect to all who are here. Whether you buy some of our great grooming products on our website or you join and participate in one of our many beard clubs all over the world.. It is you that makes this little microcosm what it is and I’m thankful to call you all friends. Skål!